What causes constipation? constipation causes.
Causes of Constipation.
What causes constipation? The cause of constipation can be divided into organic and functional:
1. Organic:
- (1) Bowel control venereal becomes narrow, tumors, inflammation of the intestine or other causes lead to intestinal stenosis or obstruction.
- (2) Rectum, anus lesions rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids sore, rectal prolapse, puborectalis hypertrophy, shame straight separation, pelvic disease.
- (3) Endocrine or metabolic diseases like
diabetes, hypothyroidism and parathyroid disease.
- (4) Systemic disease
scleroderma, lupus, etc.
- (5) Nervous system diseases, central brain disorders, stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and peripheral neuropathy change and so on.
- (6) Intestinal muscle or nerve source VD changed.
- (7) Colonic neuromuscular disease pseudo- obstruction, Hirschsprung's disease, giant rectum.
- (8) Neuropsychological disorders.
- (9) Drug factors iron, opioids, antidepressants, anti-Parkinson's disease drugs, calcium channel blockers, diuretics and antihistamines.
2. Functional
Functional constipation cause is unknown, it occurs with a variety of factors, including:
- (1) Eating less, or food lack of water and cellulose, reduce the stimulation of colonic motility.
- (2) Because of work stress, fast pace of life, work or time changes, mental factors interfere the normal bowel habits.
- (3) Caused by colonic motor dysfunction, common in irritable bowel syndrome, caused by the sigmoid colon and spasm, in addition to constipation, patient can have abdominal pain or
bloating or both, some patients may have constipation and diarrhea alternating.
- (4) Abdominal and pelvic muscle tone, insufficient bowel impetus difficult to feces.
- (5) Use too much laxatives, lead to drug dependence, resulting in constipation.
- (6) For elderly, too little activity, intestinal cramps cause bowel problems, or colon too long.
Constipation causes classify base on pathogenesis:
According to the pathogenesis, constipation can be divided into two categories: slow transit and outlet obstruction.
- (1) slow transit constipation.
Due to the contraction of intestinal motility slow, the stool from cecum to
intestine movement slow down, or due to movement of the left colon disharmony.
Most common in young women, characterized by reduction in the frequency of bowel
movements (bowel movement less than once a week), discharge intention reduced,
hard fecal, cause bowel problems; no stool or hard feces with anal rectal
examination, The external anal sphincter and anal defecation function properly;
prolonged total parenteral or colonic transit time; lack evidence of outlet
obstruction, balloon expulsion test and anorectic manometry normal. Dietary
fiber intake increase and take permeability laxatives won't help. Diabetes,
scleroderma merger constipation drug-induced constipation are mostly slow
- (2) outlet obstruction constipation.
Due to the abdomen, anus and rectum and pelvic floor muscles disharmony cause
feces obstacles. Particularly common in elderly patients, many patients can't be
healed with conventional medical therapy. Outlet obstruction can have the
following symptoms: hard defecation, defecating unfinished feeling or a sense of
falling, defecation less, have or lack of intention of defecation, rectal
examination find a lot of mud-like rectal stool inside.
While defecation, external anal sphincter may contradiction contraction; total
parenteral or colonic transit time can be normal, most markers can retention in
the rectum; anorectic manometry showed, when defecation anal sphincter
contraction was contradictory or intestinal wall sensory threshold abnormal and
so on. Many outlet obstruction constipation patients also have slow transit